The subject property offers a beautifully presented family home. Set over two floors the light and airy accommodation provides a large entrance hallway, with attractive wooden flooring throughout. This offers access to a downstairs WC situated beneath the stairs, and access to the generous generously proportioned living room to the front of the property. Double doors to the rear of the living room open into the second reception room which in turn has been opened up to the kitchen, meaning the downstairs accommodation flows beautifully. Undoubtedly one of the main benefits of the house is the kitchen/diner which has been recently extended to allow ample room for a large dining table. The floor is attractively tiled throughout and benefits from underfloor heating with large tri-fold doors leading to the garden. The tastefully appointed kitchen provides plenty of storage within a range of wall and floor mounted units, the latter topped with an attractive work surface. There is a utility room accessed off the kitchen which in turn leads to a garage suitable for storage.
Upstairs the property provides four light and well proportioned bedrooms all accessed of a generous landing and a recently installed, tasteful bathroom housing a bath, separate shower cubicle, low level WC and wash hand basin. There is a notably large loft area, accessed via a loft hatch and ceiling ladder. Subject to the necessary consents this could be converted to provide further bedroom accommodation.
Externally the property is noticeably set back from the road compared to other neighbouring properties and as such provides plenty of off street parking onto a tarmac driveway as well as a generous garden area. To the rear the property benefits from a well proportioned garden laid mainly to lawn, with a lovely patio area for outside dining and raised flower borders to the side and rear of the garden. Interestingly there are no neighbouring properties directly facing the back garden or house which allows privacy and a more open outlook both within the house and garden.
Tenure - We understand if freehold
Local authority - Bristol City Council - 01179220000
Council tax band - F
Services - We understand the property has all mains services
Viewings - Strictly by appointment with sole agents Hydes of Bristol
Stoke Bishop is a sought after suburb in North West Bristol, adjacent to circa 400 acres of public open space known as The Downs.
The area is conveiently close to the city centre, the M4 / M5 motorway network and Cribbs Causeway shopping centre. Local shopping can be found Close by on Stoke Hill (circa 600 yards away) and Westbury Park, which has a Waitrose, local fishmonger and butcher. There are a number of leisure facilities nearby and nearest golf courses are located at Shirehampton and Henbury.
The subject property is well placed for both state and private schools & is within close proximity of the highly regarded Elmlea Infants school. Badminton School, Red Maids, whilst Clifton College, Clifton High School, Bristol Grammar School and Queen Elizabeth Hospital are all within a short drive or bus trip.
Hydes of Bristol and any joint agents give notice that (i) they have no authority to make or give representations or warranties in relation to the property. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. (ii) Any areas, distances or measurements are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all the necessary planning, building regulations or other consents and Hydes Of Bristol have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise. (iii) In accordance with the consumer protection from unfair trading regulations, please note that the working condition of these services, or kitchen appliances has not been checked by the Agents but at the time of taking particulars we were informed that all were in working order. Please also note that current government legislation demands that as selling agents for this property, Hydes Of Bristol require written evidence of the origin/source of finance for funding for any prospective purchaser wishing to purchase this property. This confirmation shall be required prior to the vendor entering into any contract of sale and our instructions from the vendor are to this effect.
Important note