This generously proportioned house has been greatly improved upon under the current ownership and significantly extended to offer incredibly versatile accommodation that will suit a number of different buyer demographics. Whilst the property will make an ideal family home, it might also suit those that are looking to achieve a rental income or accommodate relatives as an annex could easily be created to facilitate this.
Other notable benefits include a 24.7 x 20.7 meter lawned level rear garden, ample driveway parking for several vehicles and a generously proportioned integral garage. Internally there is some fantastic living space with a 7.46m (24’10) living room, 5.64m (18’6) dining room and a 6.3 x 4.8m (20’8 x 15’9) kitchen/breakfast room forming a very sociable space for entertaining.
VIEWING - Strictly by prior arrangement with Hydes of Bristol
t: 0117 973 1516 or
TENURE - We understand to be freehold.
SERVICES – Main water electricity and drainage and oil-fired central heating.
LOCAL AUTHORITY - North Somerset Council 01934 888888
COUNCIL TAX BAND - Band D – £1958.56 for 2022/2023
The village of Failand lies approx 3.5 miles from Brunel’s famous Suspension bridge which in turn provides direct access to Clifton Village and Bristol City Centre. The village itself offers amenities including a Post Office/general store, public house, village hall, cricket pitch and church. Long Ashton Village (approx 2 miles travelling distance) offers a further variety of shops, doctors and dental surgeries and other recreational facilities. Within 1.5 miles there are two golf courses and David Lloyd Sports & Leisure Club and the nearby Ashton Court Estate offers acres of open countryside proving ideal for walking, cycling and horse riding.
Hydes of Bristol and any joint agents give notice that (i) they have no authority to make or give representations or warranties in relation to the property. These particulars do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. (ii) Any areas, distances or measurements are approximate. The text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all the necessary planning, building regulations or other consents and Hydes of Bristol have not tested any services, equipment or facilities. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise. (iii) In accordance with the Property Misdescriptions Act, please note that the working condition of these services, or kitchen appliances have not been checked by the Agents but at the time of taking particulars we were informed that all were in working order. Please also note that current government legislation demands that as selling agents for this property. This confirmation shall be required prior to the vendor entering into any contract of sale and our instructions from the vendor are to this effect.
Important note